. Admission Policies
1.1 Students of any national or creed or welcome
to apply for enrollment in Candelaria Institute in consonance with the Philippine Contitution, the laws of the country and
the philosophy and objectives of Candelaria Institute.
However, Candelaria Institute reserves the right to
accept student on the selective basis.
1.2 All freshmen entering Candelaria Institute must take the entrance examination
administered by the first year-advisers. While transferes in the higher years are required to refer to the year level teacher-adviser
2. Requirements for Admission
2.1 Freshmen and transferees seeking admission in
Candelaria Institute
2.1.1 Form 138 or Report Card
2.1.2 Certification of Good Moral Character
with certification of Eligibility
2.1.3 Registration Fee
2.1.4 Photocopy
of Birth Certificate
2.1.5 Examination for sectioning
2.1.6 Personal Interview
2.2 Freshmen
Schololars - They the first and the second honors in the elementary grades.
2.2.1 Form 138 Report Card
Certification of Good Moral Character
2.2.3 Registration Fee
2.2.4 Photocopy of Birht Certificate
Examination for sectioning
2.2.6 Certification from the Principal that they are first and second
honors gaduates.
It must be submitted to the cashier/registrar.
2.2.7 Personal Interview
3.1 Enrollmen procedure are posted on the bulletin
board for the guidance of the students.
3.2 Students can be considered officially enrolled upon payment of the required
entrance and miscellaneous fees.
4. Financial Concerns
4.1 candelaria INstitute publishes information regarding
tuition, book rentals, miscellaneous and other fees.
4.2 All business transactions regarding school fees can be done
at the cashier's office or the teacher-adviser concerned.
4.3 Tuition Discount is granted whenever two or more students
of the same parents are enrooled in Candelaria Institute.
The percent Discount on tuition fees are as follows
of Students %Discount
the same parents)
2 25
3 50
or more 100
is granted to the lowest year level students of the same parents.
4.4 Mode of Payments
The entrance
fee is deducted from the total fee of the balanceis divided into seven(7) months. The monthly payments is made every midterm
and final periodic examinations.
5.1 There are eight(8) examination: four(4) midterms
and Four(4) Final periodic examinations.
5.2 Only student who have paid the required balance for the month will be
admitted to any periodic examination.
5.3 Examinatiion schedules are posted on the bulletin board.
5.4 Special
examinations are given within one week after the regular examination schedule.
5.5 Students are obliged to take the
fourth final periodic examination to obtain final grades in all subjects.